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Full Version: Utah DWR Float Fishing Seminar
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[#0000FF]On June 18, the Utah Blue Ribbon Fisheries group together with Utah DWR put on a seminar on pontoons, float tubes and kayak fishing. They recorded it and here is a link to the video.

Yours truly participated on the float tubing part. My segment begins at about the 25 minute mark. The first part is on fly fishing from a pontoon...mainly on Strawberry Reservoir in Utah. The last segment is on Kayaks.
Watched that yesterday. Very nice job from all involved. Smile

Got me itching to get out on the water again so think I'm going to head down to LB on friday to try my hand for some cats, whites, and anything else willing to nibble. Smile
[#0000FF]Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Headed for Lindon this morning.

Good luck if you get down Friday.
I liked it too, good to see the tube meister in action!


[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Headed for Lindon this morning.

Good luck if you get down Friday.
[#0000FF]Thanks...I think.

Define "action".
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]Thanks...I think.

Define "action".

A pioneer presenting and speaking to one of his passions counts as action. Nothing negative implied in my writing, tip of the hat to you....

[#0000FF]A definite thanks.

Just funnin' with ya...doing my best/worst Clinton impression from the past.