06-27-2015, 09:00 AM
I promise I won&#39;t do this regularly (take note Mods), but I&#39;m cheating this time... rather than actually filing a fishing report here, I hope you&#39;ll check out the latest &quot;Scenic City Fishing Newsletter&quot; (please). As an added bonus/incentive... you&#39;ll get to see me in a tuxedo for only the second time in my life. emoEek AND, check out my new newsletter header image and see if you can identify the two CFF members you&#39;ll see there. emoScratch <br /><br />CLICK THIS LINK: http://bit.ly/1GsthWE<br /><br />BTW, there is a link in the next-to-last paragraph where you can subscribe. OR, you can simply text the word SCENICCITYFISH to 22828 to subscribe.<br /><br />I promise I won&#39;t junk up your Inbox. I send out a newsletter about once every two weeks (in general). It includes the latest fishing reports, photos and other various fun fishing-related tidbits. Lots of my CFF friends have already subscribed. If you haven&#39;t, I hope you&#39;ll join in.<br />