If I turn my Remote Troll (I have the first version that they made that has wire cables that turn the platform) too far it will hang and one has to manually move it a little so that it will operate again. This can be a dangerous situation and can make a mess of trolling lines really fast. Has anyone encountered this situation before and know how to fix it?
Kent, I think this is a common problem, at least on the older ones, can't say about the new ones. On my old boat, I tried to avoid turning too sharp but I think it is caused because once you get the boat at an angle that is too steep/sharp and it will not turn, there is just too much force on the springs or maybe the motor, for it to be able to straighten up. Could be the the Remote Toll motor just does not have enough power to force it to turn or the springs do not have enough power to pull it in the oppose direction. Of course replacing the springs with stronger ones would be cheaper than replacing the motor, if you go that route. I have a better idea that is much easier than fixing the remote troll, use your Ipilot to steer your boat. You don't really need to have an Ipilot, Auto Pilot will also work, but I know you already have Ipilot. Simply start your gas kicker, set the speed after you engage the motor and point it in a straight path, deploy your electric, engage the Auto Pilot function and set it on the course you want to go. To avoid other boats or make course corrections simply hit the hand held control. No need to crank your electric up to full power, all you need is just enough power to steer your boat. If the wind comes up, you will need to add a little more power, to keep the boat going in the right direction but this method works great. Give it a try the next time you are out and see what you think. The auto pilot on my boat is 55lb thrust and a 12 v system and it works great, if I'm out trolling for 6 hrs or so. You would likely get more use time if you have a 24v system.
My remote troll does the same thing. I found after playing with it on the water one full 8 hour day that sharp turns will do this. Nice easy turns only.
Thanks that would work. I just found a grease connection and greased it and oiled all other connections and hopefully that does the job. Prefer not to use the electric trolling motor if I can avoid it, so that I have full power in the batteries when I use the I-Pilot.
[quote albinotrout]
Nice easy turns only.
Great idea, but sharp turns invariably happen from time to time.
Yeah I have to be quick to hit neutral on the kicker when it happens so I can get it straightened out quickly.
[quote albinotrout]Yeah I have to be quick to hit neutral on the kicker when it happens so I can get it straightened out quickly.[/quote]
Or you can just grab the motor or remote troll bracket and force it back straight.
Do that too. I have a little problem with the handle getting in the way of the bigger motor too. I have tried using a bungee chord to hold it up but then the throttle doesn't hold in position. Gotta love old motors.
ken I have had a lot off remote trolls and have never had the problem you have described , I have also rebuilt and sold many units it is possible you have a weak motor , but I believe that the cable has oil or grease on it or the cable tension is to low .
I greased and oiled everything and tightened the tension on the springs but i haven't given it a long long enough test to pronounce it fixed for sure but so far it is working fine.
there is a lot more torque turning in one direction than the other so they will slip some times, when I got my first unit I though it was to noisy so I oiled it , need less to say it was much quieter but did not work to well [blush] so tight and clean should get you going.