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My Lamiglas Kokanee special got broke just past the top two eyes. Am I just stuck with a shorter rod now. any advice
Who did you buy it from? Some companies guarantee their rods and others will sell you the top section, separate from the whole rod. Give them a call and find out.
Lamiglas replaced one of my rods last year. Go to their website & get pre approval. I believe they only have a 1 year warranty.
they will probably warrant it give them a call, they do sell just the tips I don't know how much though. they make you send in the rod with a 20 dollar co pay for there regular warranty . great rods though
I broke mine also. I called the factory Wednesday and they have a year warranty. They are out of the Kokanee rod tips for two weeks but when they do get them in they will be selling them for $30.00. Thats not a bad price. I will be calling them in two weeks to order my non-warranty tip. Here is their # Lamaglass 360-225-9436

I broke mine on a 4.5 Koke and still landed it.

I also carry a spare. Would hate to quit fishing for a min!!!!!
As I recall, I did have to send $20 with my broken rod back to Lameglas with another $8 in shipping and the cost of the shipping tube. I was well over $30 to get the broken rod back to them and it took 4 - 6 weeks to get the replacement.

If you just broke the tip, I would just buy a replacement tip - my 2 cents!