07-15-2015, 09:00 AM
It was a tough night between all the boat traffic and the way the fish was biting was different and by that I mean they was just not holding on to the baits. We started off deep in 15 to 17 FOW and got 2 small keepers then my line got heavy set the hook and it&#39;s a big one and a very strong fish it stays deep stripping drag then runs straight toward the boat, jumps once and spits my worm looked to be in the 8lb class after that we wasted a lot of time trying to push the deep bite with no luck. Around 12 went shallow and was getting lots of bites but missing all of them on the big SB they would hit it hard but not take it. Switched to a chatter bait and it made all the difference first one was a 3lbr then 4 more that would not help us. Moved to a grass flat and 2nd cast one drilled it, it&#39;s a stud and I just new it was going to come off the way our night was going but got it in the boat it was our big fish at 7.9, caught 3 small fish after that&#39;s it. It must have been tough for everyone, small bags at the scales and not a lot of them. Never thought we would win with just under 13lbs but we did. Congrats to 2nd and 3rd on a tough night of fishing <br />