07-18-2015, 09:00 AM
emoThanks to those who do the CBA&#39;s. <br /><br />Not a lot to report other than it was hot &amp; humid. We started in shallow grass lined area with top lures. There were several emoFish that seemed to swipe at,good roll, my lure, however no hookups. Caden caught 1st &amp; best at 3 1/4lb. Next stop with similar strikes on sub surface lures.<br /><br />As we make our way thru the stops, and thru the lures, not to mention the storm, lighting had me dancing on the deck a couple o times. Some know the reason I dance at times. Fell from boat, hit on dock, lost rod &amp; reel, fortunately nothing serious injury. Roll around, back up in boat, sit for rest of storm &amp; checking for bones in incorrect positions... emoThumbsup all good...storm over, continue to fish. Caught several more shorts.<br /><br />Caden asks if we need to weigh in, only had a small limit may have been 11lb, so we dumped them &amp; headed to ramp.<br /><br />Got to Harrison Bay ramp, blue lights in harbor, TWRA, &amp; 2 Sheriffs boats. emoQuestion , never heard why, &amp; no news on incident...hope just boat control &amp; no one in accident....<br /><br />Good days, hot, water @ 82 degree, mostly clear with unpredictable weather...Congrats to winners, ....safe trips........ emoGeezer emoUSA