Brought our boat back from the Berry just in time to do a lil piggly wiggly, wee lil koke fishing...
Any advice on caution launching a 20'er off the back ramp? I've not launched this boat up there yet.
Guess I can just go do it and see, but any Intel would be appreciated...
The "ramp" is pretty steep make sure your FWD is working. That big of boat will be tough, make sure you have some help. Good luck. J
Ya thanks... Appreciate the heads up.
Maybe I just need to go back to the berry..
Ole Porky just calls me this time of year.
The ambiance of the mountain air and Koke on the deck.
Maybe an early morning B Mary to set the tone...
Still looking for my 1st 4lb'r...
Dang I'm addicted...
What to do, what to do...
Well I know you won't find a 4 lber at the pig unless it's a brown or cutty. But I hear it calling me as well, but my boat is only 15' and sometimes it seems too big for up there. One of these days I'll get up after them. Good luck with your decision. Later J
I haven't been up in about 2 weeks now.. I've launched my 17' Lund off the back ramp with no issues. If the water is still up like it was you'll have no trouble.. The ramp in the draw I prob wouldn't try as it is quite steep and had deep ruts up near the top by the road.. Stick to the back launch and you will be fine
Oooohhh I like words of encouragement....
I think that a trophy on the pig would be a good photo op.
Kinda experimenting with my dodger bending and curious if the same motion works for lil piggys as well as one of those berry 4 lb'ers lol... Well since I haven't found that bigger Koke I'll settle for a bunch of lil tough guys and do my part to thin the herd.
I like a little bend in my dodger I also have started making my own squids and for the littler guys in the pig I like using a smaller squid may help might not I've prob caught just as many on rmt squids but I like catching them on stuff I tie up adds a little excitement.. Let us know how you do
I fished the pig today. Was tough 13 kokes from 7am till 3pm.. fish where caught 35 to 55ft. and pinky green. Nitro orange epic spinners and orange squids all worked today. I was suposed that the fish wanted it trolled slower 1.0 to 1.3 mph
Its been a frustrating year up there. I am yet to get into them like I always have int he past. I must have to skunk something fierce.... I hope the size continues to improve however. I'm willing to catch fewer if they are bigger...
Its about twenty feet from full pool.
Thanks guys for all the info. Our plan for Sunday got spoiled so going to try again this week....