07-22-2015, 09:00 AM
Boy! Is it ever getting hot. emoHoppingmad Went out for a little afternoon trip and about burned up. Just sitting in the boat I was dripping from the heat. It also seemed the bass must have thought the same thing. I could not get hardly anything to chase. I only managed one Spotted bass on a crank off a river point in about 22 foot, maybe a little more then a pound. I had to slow way down with shakeys and jigs. You know I am struggling if I pull out a jig. emoRolleyes I just don&#39;t fish jigs much. But you got to do what it takes. I managed two more that were short and four more keeper large mouth. emoThumbsup I also lost two, one that felt good on the crank and one that broke off on the jig, emoAngry , I was using 12 lb fluorocarbon, may have had a bad spot in the line.<br /><br />The four large mouth I did boat were 2/3, 3/2, 4/0 and the kicker of the day was 5/4. (pic below) Not bad but not great either, best three at 12/6 and the five keepers with that small spot included were around 15/9. It is just about too hot to fish in the afternoon right now. emoSun Water temp is back up to the mid 80s to 90 degrees. I would hate to be trying to keep bass alive in a live well right now. emoTskTsk If you do go, please go prepared with lots of ice to cool the water and batteries charged to the max to keep the live well pumps running. Night tournaments are not as bad but still have to deal with the hot water on the surface. Got a couple quotes to do this afternoon so got to work today. If anyone needs a quote on a burglary system, monitoring or take over give me a shout. We can take care of you. emoBig