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Full Version: Fishing 23July15 (Caught a new fish to me)
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Not the biggest but made my day since I have never caught one before...

Any guesses to what it is?

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_006.jpg]

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_007.jpg]

It's not found in Nevada that I know of.

Anyways... Out at the inlaws last week and got a chance to sneak away with my brother in law for a bit. Fishing was pretty tough. Certainly not the 8-10 pounders they were slaying back in March and April that is for sure. The hyacinth just makes it a bear to get anything near shore and makes one run around a lot looking for areas that are clear of it. Far and few... Been getting worse and worse over the last 4 or 5 years out there on the Delta.

About the only option is punching and that wears one out fast plus it isn't a numbers method of fishing. Big fish fishing method...

A couple other pics...

A year new boat than mine and a SC (single console) verse the WT (full windshield) I have. Makes one right at home. Same everything for the most part.

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_002.jpg]

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_003.jpg]

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_004.jpg]

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_005.jpg]

Greedy Bluegill... I think this is the first I have ever caught on plastic and it was the first I have ever caught on the delta.

[Image: CaliDelta-Jul2015_008.jpg]

Nice, never seen that fish before.
[cool]My guess on that fish would be a spotted bass. A smaller mouth and the string of spots are what I am going on. No stripers to play with? I would have thought that you could get some action on them.
Ding ding ding... Spotted Bass. They also put up the fight compared to a LMB. I knew it was something different looking down at him in the water and sizing him up verse the fight I was getting. Should of been a quick fight/swing him over the side instead I had to do a double take before going that route to be sure it wasn't something bigger.

Jaw hinges closer to the eye verse behind like a LMB. Tongue it more sandpaper like, coloring/patterns, eye color, smaller mouth, etc.

We caught Stripers too but not a bunch. The BIG girls are only around in quantity (autumn & early spring - two runs) Sep-Nov'ish and again Feb-April'ish. Hard to fish for them right now with the rock walls in that holds back water for farmers in certain areas/tracts. That holds the hyacinth in thus makes it hard to wing big swimbaits/top water plugs around and not get all hung up. Once the walls are pulled and the tidal system is working more up to par the Stripers start coming in more.

Sounds like it's more flipping than casting water.
[cool]I knew that there was spotted bass in some of the central calif. lakes but really didn't think they were in the delta system. Good to know.
I've fished it 1-2 times a year with my brother in laws for the last 8-10 years. Never caught one before and never seen either of them catch one. But they did say they catch 'em every now and then and even some decent sized ones.

Another fished checked off on the list...