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Full Version: Willard "Outfished by my wifey - again"
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Hit the bay Saturday evening the 25th. Launched on a water stained lake about 5:30 pm. Went straight to freeway bay and set up a 4 line troll, 2 straight back and a planer to each side.

Haven't been to the bay for a couple months as we been chasing kokanee so threw on 4 of my best lures that seam to do most of the work in the past.

#1 Blue and silver rattle trap
#2 Black and silver shad rap
#3 Fire tiger shad rap
#4 Bottom bouncer and worm harness

Caught the 1st fish, a feisty wiper, on the planer with a blue rattle trap so switched the other board up with the same and switched the other 2 rods to a fire tiger trap and black and silver trap.

Only the blue and silver worked for this quick trip.
2 wiper and I wally. Invited the wally home for dinner.

Good to get back to business right where she left off, out fishing the ole man 2 to 1.
Nice job Scott - thanks for posting. Been wondering how things were going up there. How was the water depth in the marina - still holding up? Bugs?
Thanks for the report. It was getting low on 7-18.

I have learned while fishing with the wife, it is best if she catches the most. I got skunked a couple trips ago and she had a heck of a day, not until later that night did she figure out that all but one of the fish were caught on my side of the boat!! She has heard me and the guys joking with each other about which set of poles caught the most fish. I always fish starboard side on our boat. So I got the Angry wife "you let me win"!!! I just Smiled and told her when she is on the boat she gets both sides and i'm just the deck hand.
I try to give her most of them.... heck I'm happy to just have her aboard. Honestly I don't care who reels em in. I like putting people on fish and watch their Smiles especially wiper. The planer board on the wally she caught didn't release so we thought we had that next record wiper.

It ripped line like no other walleye I've caught.

2lb 11 oz fish.
I agree with that, when its me and the guys it all about braggin rights. When it is someone that dosen't fish a lot, I enjoy it more seeing them bring it in. As with you when she comes out with me we have a good time.

HAHA those planner boards can put up a fight. Nice eye sounded like a good day on the pond.
Time to give her the banana and change those odds in your favor.

Thanks for posting the detailed report.[fishon]
Cuddy Buddy! LOL! thats awesome man Smile