Perhaps the best weather I've ever seen up at Strawberry. The fishing was probably not what I would consider to be hot, but my partner and I caught 8 fish in 8 hours, loosing about 4-5 before the boat. We graphed tons of fish between 20 - 30 feet deep in 40 feet of water at mud creek.
Caught most of the fish trolling a 2.5" white tubes tipped with half a worm 25 feet down.
Later in the afternoon we trolled just past Haws point and picked up 3 with pop gear and a worm.
All the fish caught were cutthroats, all were big enough to be kept, 22+ inches. everything was over 3 lbs.
Good lookin fish! The Cutts are really starting to hit from the reports and the father in laws trips. Should see some biggins coming out this year!
Those fish look pretty healthy.
[quote Blackham]8/1/2015
Perhaps the best weather I've ever seen up at Strawberry. The fishing was probably not what I would consider to be hot, but my partner and I caught 8 fish in 8 hours, loosing about 4-5 before the boat. We graphed tons of fish between 20 - 30 feet deep in 40 feet of water at mud creek.
Caught most of the fish trolling a 2.5" white tubes tipped with half a worm 25 feet down.
Later in the afternoon we trolled just past Haws point and picked up 3 with pop gear and a worm.
All the fish caught were cutthroats, all were big enough to be kept, 22+ inches. everything was over 3 lbs.[/quote]
I was there last week and saw, like you a lot of fish at 20 and 30 ft
but I had my downriggers down at 40' going after the Kokes.
we got 7 kokes and over 20 cuts in 5 hr.at 40', most were over 19in
I had a planer board out trying to get the ones at 20 ft.
but could not catch any. did not use a white tub which I like to use in the fall.
[quote Blackham]Caught most of the fish trolling a 2.5" white tubes tipped with half a worm 25 feet down.
All the fish caught were cutthroats, all were big enough to be kept, 22+ inches. everything was over 3 lbs.[/quote]
Wow ... can't beat 100% of the fish you caught were slot busters!!!!!!
I've never trolled a tube before. Guess I'll have to give that a try.
Thanks for the report.
I fished Strawberry on Saturday and trolled along the west shoreline north of Mud Creek. I too graphed a lot of fish in that area. I was trolling silver and gold dodgers on the surface out about 150'. I started about 6:45 am and fished until 1:30 pm and hooked 18 and landed 14. Most were Cutts in the slot several were in the 19 " range.t I did land 2 small Bows and 1 17 incher. She fought really well. I also noticed the Cutts seem to be fighting more that usual. I had doubles twice and landed all 4 fish. The weather was fantastic. It was a good day overall