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Full Version: Uintas, Crystal Lake loop Salamander
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We hike the to the notch past Wall, Faith and Hope, then down past Twin Lakes, Clyde, Watson, Petit, Junior and Cliff to the car. The dog just loved it. I did not take a fishing pole, first ever, family hike. I am not sure I am allowed to post here.

Saw salamanders and leeches. Also saw a rat size rodent swimming but not sure what it was. Grayish, no hair on tail. Had rat face.

Salamander in 2 picture
Sounds like a nice outing. I probably would have still taken a pack rod with me just for fun.
We had a lot of fun throwing dry flies to willing Brookies at Clyde Lake. Most came in around 8" to 9" but with beautiful colors. Fun to watch them come up from the bottom to smack almost any pattern.

Take a rod on your next trip and give it a try.