08-06-2015, 09:00 AM
Last Monday night I had about 8 lbs with my best three. I went over to the weigh in and talked with the guys at the ramp. It sounded like I was out of luck. Turned out I might of had a check. Did not find that out until after I had released them, left and I saw what took a check on here. <br /><br /> Last night it was slow. It also seemed every where I wanted to fish there was someone already there. emoMad I had to adjust and hit places I was not even planning on going to. It was a grind, slow, slow, slow. I tried cranks, chatters and jigs without one smell other then a couple white bass. Had to resort to my old faithful shakey and hit them on the head. I had about eight bites and put five of them in the boat. One was not a keeper. Four were but two were not even two pounds I think. One was 2/6, one was 2/2 and the other two I did not weigh hoping I might culled them before having to keep one of them, skinny 15 and a hair inchers. I would guess they were about 1/14 each. So at 9:15 I looked at my bass, figured those three might go about 6 and a half, for sure 6. I thought to myself why even bother. emoRolleyes Will be running over to Chester Frost and wasting my time and gas on those three little bass. Pitched them back in, texted 2-jigs and told him I only had 6.5 lbs and was skipping the weigh in.<br /><br />About 20 minutes later 2-jigs calls me laughing at me. He loves to give me a hard time. Tells me, &quot;Hey Jmax! Guess what took second place? 4.57 lbs.!!!! emoLaugh &quot; I told him, &quot;No way! Your just giving me a hard time.&quot; Then he has Bob tell me the same thing. emoDoh Who would have thought that three little two pounders would take second place with eleven boats in it. I guess I need to stop thinking about what I have so much and just go weigh in. Left money on the table last night for sure. emoBang Stupid! Jmax