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Took my 22-250 (FAT Alice) to the range on Saturday. Now I know why I kept missing all those squirrels last spring. Was off by a fair bit (~.75 - 1 MOA). Adjusted it and shot a 3 shot group that was under .25 MOA. Was off by 1/4 inch in 2 directions so I adjusted again (2 clicks down, 2 clicks left) and then proceeded to shoot the primer end of 12 gauge shotgun shells. Hit 6 in a row at 100 yards (aiming about 1.5 inches low of course), missed 1, then hit 2 more.

I've got an extra doe tag for Unit 16. I'm thinking I might try to pop one of those tasty WT's in the head with it so I don't ruin any meat. I don't have a current picture of her, but I've attached a picture of her before the camo paint job.
Nice . I have a 22 250 savage model 99 that has killed a lot of deer and antelope .
I got a Ruger heavy barrel 250 in 1976. It says "Made in the 200th year of our nations liberty" inscribed on the barrel. I have always loved head shots and made many on dear and elk. I site mine in at 250 yrd zero. With a 52 grain bullet you are 2" high at 100yrds. 1.7" high at 200, 5" low at 300, 13.5" at 400, and 32.5" at 500yrds. This is taped to my stock but basically I hold 2" low with anything out to 200yrds, zero at 250 and 5" hold over at 300yrds. The 22-250 is so accurate it makes head shots a breeze. I would never ever try a body shot with it. Except on varmints of course
I even like head shots on coyotes and bobcats. I shoot 52gr. solid base hollow points and they explode the brain and fracture the scull making it harder to skin the head but no exit wound at all.
Are you sure you can hit a small target like that? you have a hard enough time putting your jig n rap in a 10" hole..... [Wink] LOL good luck....
your two top holes are your fouling shots. Even the most accurate rifle will throw a couple wild ones after a cleaning. OR even if you didn't clean the barrel, which I am sure you do after each shooting session, a gun will collect a small amount of dust down the barrel and the bullet will "clean" that dust out as it goes down the barrel and will fly wild as a result. That is why you should just take a couple shots at the start of the session. I like to choose a rock or something down range and blow it to pieces.

That is some great shooting!
I know what you are saying is true, but not in this case. The upper holes are from someone else. I used a target that was already at the range and someone else had been shooting at.