Fishing Forum

Full Version: Oldman, chick, LM, 8/15/2015, earl
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well it started off good but my guide decided he was going to take a short cut through the islands to get to our first spot but that didn't work out like it should have.a small alum. boat in the dead center between the islands so we had to idle past it and needless to say the spot was well covered by the time we got there.i guess we got lucky because my guide decided we were going to go up river to another spot he wanted to try.about 30-45 min. after we got there i got a good one on and we got her in the boat and i was thinking here we go but that was pretty much all for that spot.we did get a couple but they had the short disease.we move a few more times and caught one here and there but we needed a kicker bad.i think we had around 10 1/2 pounds with about 45 min left and earl called for the net.he had been talking about old ned all night and finally i got to see what ned looked turned out that old ned was big enough for big fish and to give us the win.i had another good fish on that hit about ten yards out from the boat and came up and spit in out.didnt have time to do nothing but say a few bad words.sorry for the long report,yall dont call me jmax thanks earl for letting me tag along.I LOVE FISHING emoFish emoFish emoFish