Looking for a little bit of information about a few lakes in the high uintas. who can i contact who might be willing to share some info. I plan on going next weekend to coffin beaver and Gilbert lakes. Im not looking for a secret spot or fly or lure, just looking to go into an area with some clue as to what i am doing.
Thanks in advance
I have no experience in those lakes, but have traveled in other North slope areas. I have used the fly with a bubble, in browns to black size 18 and 16, Spinners in Brass, silver, black, Jakes spin a lure in brass and silver, all with success.
I have not fished those lakes either but ratnest gave you some good information on what to use. Mepps and rooster tails and the Jakes are always solid. As far as flies, I use to take all of my worst looking ones that were just rusting in my fly boxes and they would catch fish. Prince nymph, adams, hares ear, scud, renegade, griffiths gnat, and of course a mosquito in sizes 12-16 should produce some fish.
Great country up there. Good Luck!
I love the Gilbert Lakes area. Been a year or two since I have been there because of these old knee's I've got but the information given by ratnest is spot on. Enjoy some awesome country and try to post a few pictures for an old fart that may never get there again.
The Gilbert Lake area is beautiful country. The trail is is a bit rough as most in the Uintas. Usually lots of mosquitoes, though this late in the season, the cold nights may have taken care of them. The fish are quite small on average, even for the Uintas, but plentiful. Fly and bubble will be your best bet. Take grey hackle peacock, renegade, elk hair caddis, in size 14 or 16. Don't forget to fish the streams out of the lakes as well. They can be very productive. If you have time, you can climb the pass (hopping rocks) and look into the south slope. Great country - have fun.
Thanks everyone for the tips I hope to have an awesome time and will definitely post pictures.
I've been up both. You won't be able to do both from one trip. Better to pick one and explore it thoroughly, than spending valuable vacation days hiking from one drainage to the other. It's bigger country than you might imagine. Like others have said, as far as fishing, nothing special, plenty of cookie cutter brookies. There's other drainage that hold surprises, not here though. It's OK country, but as far as the north slope goes, not the most scenic drainage's either. I'd give them a 5 out of 10 on the Uinta scale.
Thanks westfork I do realize it's big country and I know I will not be able to hit them both in a day. Fishing is not my initial reason for the north slope. I have an elk and deer archery tag and I hope to spend a few of my 10 days enjoying my other passion of fishing while chasing critters.
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