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Full Version: Results of the 2016 fishing regulations survey
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Thanks again to everyone who took our regulations survey earlier this year. For those who are interested, we just posted the results:

We will not be proposing any tiger muskie changes this year but plan to examine the issue a little bit more based on the feedback we received. We'll likely propose some changes for muskies in 2017.

Our proposed changes for 2016 will be going out for public input at the Regional Advisory Council meetings next month (Sept. 8–17). We'll have more information about the proposals on our website in the next week or so, and I'll post a link here after everything is online.

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Wow! That is a LOT of input. How do they begin to address it all?? (Except for the obvious dingbat responses) Thanks for the update!
Thanks Amy.
Interesting reading through some of the responses, both the thoughtful and the crackpot rants.

One thing I noticed was how much dissatisfaction there was about Scofield. It seems like a lot of folks are just about ready for the DWR to pull the plug, rotenone the lake and start over. It would appear that only a few "specialists" are currently happy with Scofield right now. Those guys may have a bit of a selling job in persuading the division to stay the course, even if recent gillnetting showed some promise.
Great job DWR!
Comment/question #41 is epic. [Image: happy.gif]
Awesome Thank you Amy...will be interesting for the TM species...a 40" TM is a nice fish but nowhere near a trophy for the species. 50" is a trophy especially for a sterile non reproducing fish...
[quote FishMcFisherson]Comment/question #41 is epic.[url "[/img][/quote]"][/quote][/url]

Number 41 gave me a chuckle... I see number 82 is meant to ruffle some feathers.number 110 made me lol
Seems like a lot of people want catch and release options.

I've seen a lot of studies with a 20% mortality rate on C&R.

It's just interesting, is all.