I am in the early stages of planning a trip to Yosemite NP next year and I am wondering if it would be worth while to take along a fly rod?
Yes indeed. However a California fishing license is required. I brought my gear last year but forgot my flies. The Merced River runs right under Hwy # 140 on the west side of the park. Noticed quite a few bows around 10-12", and perhaps bigger. BTW wading is not permitted. Good Luck.
Thanks! I will plan on taking it then.
Being from CA and now here in UT definitely take your fly rod. Take some 16-20 size gray mosquities, red and yellow humpys, royal wolfs, and adams and you will kill them. I usually only carried those flies and rarely got past the mosquito. Those above are my go to flies in the Sierras for their uneducated fish, not like the fish here is the provo.
Thanks for the tips.