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OK. So this is the first year since I was 6 (I'm now 32) that we actually spent a significant amount of time at Utah Lake fishing. We have caught almost everything that place has to offer, except walleye and pike. Most of our catch has been catfish. I didn't really think about it much until lately, but I think we may have actually caught some really good ones.... or maybe I just don't know what size a "really good one" is at Utah Lake. Admittedly it's been mostly my wife that has caught the bigger ones [angelic] She's caught a couple that were 27-28" and up to 8lbs. I didn't think to start measuring them until our last couple trips.
I've caught my fair share as well, but they've been smaller - mostly around 20-24"

So my question to you guys more experienced than myself at Utah Lake: Are these fish what would be considered big? Is everyone else catching stuff like this all the time too? It seems like every trip out one of us reels in another 2+ footer. Have we just been lucky?

Either way it is fun and my wife likes doing it, so I have no complaints, but I am curious.
I've attached a couple of pics as well. The pic taken during the day is the fish that weighed a little over 8 lbs on our old scale.
Hey you're doing great! We have a catfish contest going on now and there have been cats up to 32" reported so far but not a lot of them. The team from Utah Lake has entered 10 fish that average 29.3" each but there are a few 28"ers still in their top ten fish. We aren't doing as well up north this year we are averaging 28" for our top ten. Anyway if you're catching 28" fish you're getting the big ones. 24" fish are pretty common but still a lot of fun to catch. Anyway you're pretty lucky if your girl will go fishing with Ya so enjoy the fun times. Later J
You've been catching the 24" class which are very abundant. Good
Oh cool thank you guys for the feed back. Is it too late to join the contest you were talking about? If so I'll just keep my eyes open for next may or whenever you guys open it back up. I think that contest could be a good way to expand my network of fellow fisherman, not to mention it just sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.

And yeah having a wife that likes to hunt and fish and isn't ugly is quite a treat [cool]
I could go on all day about how she's a saint for just putting up with me, but who wants to hear that... hahaha

Hope you all have a great weekend, be safe out there.
Here's a link for the contest info. Give coyote spinner a PM for more info since he is in charge of it.
Hey I'm not sure if Yote had a must sign up by date or not this year, I think it may have been more limited by numbers per the state rules. so like Kevin recommends contact John (CoyoteSpinner) by PM. He has been traveling a bunch for work lately so he may be slow to respond. But you can look up the rules and start following the fun on the Utah Contest Board. Good luck. J