08-28-2015, 01:19 PM
I was determined to have more success so back to Deer Creek I went with some friendly advice from one of my fellow forum members. My brother and I were on the water by 7. Started troll out and soon had a hookup! Sadly lost it, (this was okay seeing that the hookup occurred so quickly) we were excited! About 3 minutes later my engine died.. Great... This could be a short trip... After about 30 mins it came roaring back to life(still not sure what went wrong or what i did to fix it) Trolled into open water, 45 mins.... no bites...(maybe that initial hookup was a luck of the draw) Trolled along the shore towards the dam, and finally we found the fish! Once we found the fish we stayed in the area for a couple hours. We picked up 9 trout, 5 were nice fattys and boy did they taste good! Thanks for the help (you know who you are) twas a day of fun sure to be remembered! Got a few pics for your viewing pleasure, the bigger fish were all about 15-16 inchers.