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Just got back from fishing with Captain Jim Williams for my second time. It was an excellent day putting 16 fish in the boat by 1:00. We lost 4 right at the boat a few were also on, but got off quick and missed multiple hits. If you're thinking about trying mac fishing he is an AWESOME guide a great guy to be around and would recommend him to anyone looking to catch a fish of lifetime.
Great looking pics. Thanks for sharing.
Nice fish, sounds like you had a great time.
I agree on fishing with captain Jim. He is the best on the lake and consistently catches bigger fish than the other guides.
I'm heading up there to fish solo with Jim Williams on the 15th of this month. Hope to boat a couple, and learn how it's done. Do you have any suggestions for me before I go?
You should have a blast! The first time I went, I with the attitude that I might not even catch a fish because thats a real possibility. You probably only get 8-12 hits on an average day and you will probably miss most of them. With that said, I hooked one within the first 5 minutes and it was a him where we could see color and two big head shakes later he was gone. I didnt catch another that trip, my buddy got 4 because he did it EXACTLY the way Jim tells you to do it. So this last trip I did just that and boated 8! Its tough fishing, your back is going to hurt as well as your shoulders. I joked with Jim he should get a masseuse on board and he could make a killing with all the knots one gets from fishing like he does! Its not relaxing fishing like trolling or chucking cheese, but you hook into one of those pigs and you wont be able to get enough!! Last piece of advise...keep a good bend in the rod and the lines tight...any slack and its time to say hoodbye to Mr. Laker. Hope this helps, I'm jealous you get to go.
Tight lines.
Thanks for the response and info. I haven't fished for lakers before and I'm doing this mostly to learn something about it before trying it on my own, in my own boat. I can also troll with downriggers, but I want to give jigging a try. Sounds like I'd better not catch more than a couple of those big bruisers or I won't be able to drive home afterwards!