09-04-2015, 09:00 AM
Decided to try my luck last night even thou it has been tough for me lately and all I seem to be catching for the most part are shorts. Snuck out yesterday afternoon to look around. It seems there were lots of fish on my graphs but getting them to bite was another whole new story. Found a couple willing to play but none all that good. Best one was a nice four pounder that gave me a good fight, she fell for a cutthroat sloppy joe jig in about 20 foot of water.(Pic below)Called Wiskers and asked him if he would like to donate to the Friday Night Dog fight again.
He was like, &quot;Sure, why not, my guide sucks but I got nothing better to do and the night is suppose to be really nice.&quot;<br /><br />Headed back home and charged the batteries back up. They changed the start time to 7:00 due to day light being less and the days getting shorter. Wiskers texted me and said he was going to have to work late and could not make it.
All dressed up for the party and no date. What the heck, I went Dutch. <br /><br />Headed for my deep bite first and right off boated a 14 incher. Thought, &quot;this will work.&quot; Nope, only one more hit there and I missed it. Moved around a bunch last night looking for a concentration of bass and never found it. Put a couple more shorts in the boat but nothing that would keep. Switched over from the jig to the ol&#39;faithful shakey and started drowning the big finesse worm. Was not long before one loaded up on it, set the hook and in came a nice one about 2.5 lbs. Issue was it was gill hooked and bleeding badly. emoBang Let it go and hoped it made it.<br /><br />The night was great! Full moon came up, a slight cool breeze was blowing, you could not ask for a better night to fish. emoThumbsup I just moved around from one edge, drop, ledge to another. It seemed most of the ones willing to bite were relating to deep grass edges where there was a sharp drop off at the grass. I kept switching back to the jig and a black spinner bait trying for a big kicker but they just would not eat that last night. I put another dozen or so bass in the boat off the shakey but never got that kicker I needed. emoRolleyes I managed seven that would keep last night with a few shorts. Had three solid keepers all right at the three pound mark or a hair better. All off the shakey. I did break two off, emoHoppingmad one on the hook set where I had back lashed and the line had kinked. The other did a bull dog run and broke at the knot. emoDoh Time to change my line.<br /><br />I knew I had a little better then nine pounds so all I could do is weigh them and see how the bite was for everyone else. There were the usual ringers of Earl, Ron Willerson, Hook1 and a couple more so I did not think I had a chance. When I got there the story was the same for everyone, all had a rough night. Half the folks had left. Earl told me they only had one small keeper and threw it back. Mine weighed 9.31 lbs. For a few minutes it looked like I might get a check. emoSmile Then someone brought up 10.26 lbs.(Sorry, did not see who that was.) Then Long70(Tim) and his son weighed last, they had a little more water in there basket then me and squeaked over me at 9.42 lbs for second. I needed two more ounces. emoBooHoo Came in again at my usual place on the nights here lately when I seem to do better at &quot;First Place out of the money&quot;. They only paid two places last night and I was third. emoGoofy All I got was &quot;At-a-boy!&quot;. Jmax