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Full Version: Corona Lake fishing report 1/16/04
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Top trout of the week in Southern
California landed at Corona Lake

The largest rainbow trout caught in Southern California in the past
week was
landed at Corona Lake when John Churchill of Corona landed a 22-pounder
throwing a Kastmaster near the boat dock last Thursday.

This fish ties the 22-pound lake record caught in February, 2002, but
both fish
are smaller than a 27-pound rainbow that was accidentally snagged in
November last year and landed. The snagged fish does not qualify as a
record, so Churchill joins Randy Muirhead of San Bernardino as the
co-holder of
the Corona Lake record.

The record trout was one of 10 rainbows over 10 pounds that were caught
the past week. A 16-pound rainbow was landed by Dennis Thomas, Pomona,
and a
15-pound trout was caught by Fred Sherzada, Reseda.

The best action at Corona has been for anglers fishing Crave Nitro
Dough or a
nightcrawler doused with either Crave Gravy or Crave Grease, according
to David
Horn at the lake store. He suggested anglers fishing shorter leaders
than normal
to keep the bait closer to the bottom where the fish are cruising.
While lots of
five-fish limits of 1-0 to 2-0 class fish are being caught, Horn said
the best
bite was still for boat anglers fishing spots not accessible to shore

Lightning and Thunder Trout will be planted this week at Corona Lake,
trophy Lightning Trout over the 10-pound mark. Fish that are bigger
than the
current lake record of 15 pounds could be in the plant.

Corona Lake is open seven days a week with fishing allowed from 6 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
on day passes, or from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on an evening pass. Each $18
pass has a
five-fish limit. There will be 24-hour fishing one weekend a month
nearest the
full moon.