I have only done Starvation a couple of times. What would be the best areas to target for Rainbows, and then for Walleyes. What to avoid, what to look for?
Thanks as always.
Hit bunny gulch. You'll find the trout in open water and any walleye hanging around their dinner (perch).
[#0000FF]I second the recommendation for Rabbit Gulch. This is the time of year it can get exciting. The cooling water temps are bringing the trout back to shallower water. And the walleyes are going on their fall feed. Not much chance of getting any good sized perch yet...still small. But there are some smallmouths mixed in with the walleyes.
I did well about this time last year by fishing 20 feet of water...using smelt color Gulp minnows...3" size. Both the rainbows and the walleyes came to play. If you have sonar find the edges of the channel up into the gulch and work along it. Sometimes the fish will be up on the shallow side. Other times they will be deeper down in the channel.
The reservoir is at 80% capacity right now...which is higher than it usually is this time of year. Thank the summer rains.
But as the water levels drop the crawdads slide out of the rocks and weedbeds and move deeper. That's what a lot of the fish are feeding on. You will find them full of 1-2 inch crawdaddies. Using a small green tube jig will sometimes get a good response. Otherwise, almost any small jig tipped with crawler will get bit.
I was planning a trip this week but decided to let it settle down a bit after the holler day. But soon. But not soon enough.
Thanks, boats read