I sold my boat and I'm going back to a float tube. I used to tube and I caught more fish and got out a lot more (and for a lot less money). I thought you might have one of your excellent informational booklets about setting up a tube. Is that correct, or did I imagine it? Anyway, if you do, I'd love to get a copy.
[#0000FF]I have a few pieces that might help you. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll shoot something over. We can't send pics or PDF files on PMs anymore. All the ads on BFT won't cover the tremendous expense...or something like that.
Also, let me know what kind of craft you got and I can help make some specific suggestions. Better yet, if you want to bring it to my place I can show you or help you to get it rigged up right.
Welcome back to the dark side.
I've heard the Dark Side has COOKIES.[

This dark side catches lots of cookies (cutters).. Later J
[quote Northman]I've heard the Dark Side has COOKIES.[

Better than COOTIES.
And I get all the cookies I need on my computer.
[quote SkunkedAgain]This dark side catches lots of cookies (cutters).. Later J[/quote]
You serving cookies? I want some...[

I was thinking about this subject before your post. It is funny that it is the same time. I have seen several guys that start out with a float tube. They fish like crazy then they step up to a boat. The funny this is when they move up to a boat they end up not going as much. I think at times it is because the boat is harder to launch by one's self. Maybe it is other reasons I don't know. I do see it many times guys move up to a boat and go fishing less.
I started out with a tube, then went to a toon. Then I moved up to a Cataraft with a motor. I still have all of my boats so if I want to tube I can if I want to catch a sturgeon in a pontoon I can do that too. If I want to run up river to float back down for catfish I can do that too. All of them take up very little space. At times I think a boat would be cool. I could take other people but in reality my wife doesn't fish. I don't fish with other people that much. When I do I just take another toon.
Welcome back to the dark side!
[#0000FF]Good points.
Y'know, I haven't been able to find in the regulations of any state where it says you can have only one or t'other...boat or tube...or toon. Maybe some guys' marriage regulations might have something like that but not boating or fishing.
I know quite a few folks who have multiple craft and find places and conditions where each of them is just ideal. Nice to have to make all those hard decisions.
I like having options and my marriage certificate doesn't have a limit on boats. [

[quote idahoron]I like having options and my marriage certificate doesn't have a limit on boats. [

I have a fleet my self. My problem is I have the time to get out fishing but the cash flow just isn't there right now. Improbably used my room more this year than my boat. Each has there own place and time for use.
My boat was pretty big. It was best suited for places like Powell and Flaming gorge, although we probably used it most on Utah Lake. It was nice because you could be out in any weather and not worry. But last year and this year with the low water It was tough to even launch.
And it was pretty pricey to take it to Powell and FG. I figure we can throw tubes in the car and make a powell trip for $200 instead of 2K.
But it was impossible to launch and recover alone and difficult with the wife. Kids and grandlkids have all moved. Good news is it went to my son in Wyoming, so we will get to use it places like Yellowstone Lake when we visit.
Thanks Tube dude for the info you sent. I'll try to put it to good use.
Tubes and toons are great in my opinion. I have been using them since the mid 90's. A great way to get up close and personal with the fish. Easy to launch too.
We have 8 blow ups. I sold my Aluminum boat last year and bought a 14' three person drift/raft style boat. It is inflatable and will fit in the back of my car. This gets use a lot for rivers and when we have people that want to go. But again, it deflates and is easy to store. It also can track in 3" of water.
I have a couple one man 10 1/2 footers that can be made into two man.
Two that look like small rafts with openings for fins, one is also a two man.
We have two that are 8' long, with oars and weighs 14 lbs.
And last but definitely not least, the FUZION. It is a pontoon/SUP (standup paddle board) With the frame I am completely out of water from mid calf up. I wear Hip waders. I is not as effected by wind because of it's low profile and can take a lot of weight. Works killer on stillwater and rivers. It also has a motor mount.
My brother used mine this weekend with his dog.
![[Image: greg_zps3ayf3gdt.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/H2/greg_zps3ayf3gdt.jpg)