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Hey, I fish a lot, and I have friends on the forum. I'll start contributing also now I joined. I'd like your opinion of what I saw today while walking my my buddy today. I fish there to, but I saw a guide boat hook a sturgeon and back down river so the gentleman though he was fighting
Until they got to the boat ramp for a picture. I'm not sure if it's wrong or right? But I doubt if it was good for the fish, just didn't look good.
Not sure if I am understanding the details totally, but a lot of times with bigger fish we release the anchor and back the boat down with the fish and land it down river (we don't drag the fish). This reduces the fight duration putting less strain on the fish. Some of these fish will strip hundreds of yards if you stay in position prolonging the fight far more than necessary and increases the chances of breaking off mid-line and leaving a long string of main line still attached.
Oh ok, thanks for the info.
I'll delete the post.
No need to delete in my opinion. Respectfully worded question and a respectful answer that helped to educate the rest of us as well. Thanks!