09-23-2015, 09:00 AM
Yes, it is true. One of my clients captured a 5-pound smallmouth yesterday. That by itself isn&#39;t unusual emoSmile, except, this big brown fish was caught on a simple piece of chicken breast!<br /><br />This is the third time in my life I&#39;ve seen smallmouth caught on a piece of chicken breast, but the other two were up near the dam, in very fast current. I could easily understand why a smallmouth might mistake a glimpse of chicken in the fast current for a shad drifting by.<br /><br />But yesterday&#39;s smallmouth was captured far downriver (Recognize the bridge? I don&#39;t hide stuff.) while we were just slowly dead drifting chicken breast for cats. This big brown fish apparently had been hanging out with the catfish too long and just decided, &quot;I need a piece of dead meat.&quot;<br /><br />You could have knocked me over with a feather. emoEek <br /><br />The was just the cap-off of a glorious day catching white bass, catfish, and the kicker smallmouth. Here&#39;s a fun little video taste: https://youtu.be/ROaAhoFTnLk<br />