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Full Version: Nevada kayak fishing
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I would like to start kayak fishing in Nevada I have all the gear I just do not know of a good area

Thank you
Welcome to the site Ark-fishing, I'm going to move your post to our Nevada board. Hopefully someone there can be of help.
Welcome to BFT! looks like your post was moved to the Nebraska board. I will see what I can do to get it moved to the Nevada board for you.
Ark, what part of Nevada do you live in?
Hey Ark-Fishing,

The biggest question is where are you located? I kayak fish around Elko at Southfork and occasionally Wildhorse and have had lots of success for trout, wiper, bass, and catfish throughout the different times of the year.

If you're up north, I can give you some pointers. If you're down south, I'm afraid I can't help you much.