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Good day at Lincoln today. It was slow fishin' but it was good fishin'. Started out at about 6 a.m. and had no trouble launching. It was windy during the first hour but settled right down to a nice day after that.

Started our dragging wb in front of the springs... caught 4 or 5 and then the seas calmed so headed for Bird Island. Caught two that I thought for sure would make the 30 inch mark but no matter how I stretched them I could only get 29 inches. One of them was a real toad and I guesstimated his weight at about 12 pounds. Fun to catch.

I was dragging wb up and down the west side of the island and the cats were biting all day. Finally ran out or bait about 1:00 or I would still be out there. Caught some purty green ones and some that were ugly and beat up. I was fishing the mud flats so I'm guessing the scared up cats were going in to the rocky shore in search of grub??

Anyhow, great day. I'll be back first of next week after a brief rest to search for an elk.

Did not see another boat on the water today. If the early winds had not died down I never would have made it to BI. I fish alone so I have to be extra careful... got good, reliable equipment and I use good common sense... well... sometimes I fish in a toon so not a lot of common sense there.[Wink]

No 35 incher today but still plenty of time. Has the water bottomed out?? I never found 6 feet of depth all the way out to BI. Water temp was 67.

Fish on...
[#0000FF]Nice work. Sounds like a good day. Wish I lived closer so that I could make a quick run without having to plan a full day.

I'm kinda bummed about the contest. My two ace in the hole spots for big cats this time of year are both mud flats...Lindon and off the Knolls. So I gotta go all the way to Lincoln Beach if'n I want to find enough water to fish in. you have experienced...the bigger fish will be getting more active during daylight hours now.

They shut the outflow gates at the pumphouse on October 1 so if we get any rain at all we should see some rise in the water level. Bring it on.
Sweet! Now you have me wanting to head down there for sure.[cool]
Good on you Lynn ! Sounds like all the time you spent "testing the waters" has paid off............
Those are some nice looking fish!
Can't wait for next Friday, planning on a good trip.
Good luck on your elk hunt. Keep in touch.
Nice report and I'm glad your luck is improving! I could use a 29" cat or 2[Smile]. I guess it is all relative?

I had also noticed the kitties getting those long scratches like in your pictures. Do you think it is feeding behavior? They seemed to increase if frequency after about mid August.

Nice work! Good luck with the Elk.
Pisco-- I have no idea why some of those cats are so roughed up. It is common during their love making time but that should be over now. My guess is that they are chasing minnows and/or baby wb in the rocky areas?? Many of them have scratches on their sides and some have ugly wounds? Dunno. They still seem to be nice and healthy so I guess we will just have to keep ketchin' 'em

I sure hope the water doesn't drop any more. I scratched bottom a couple of times today but still got out okay. The slimy moss is not a problem but that stringy moss tends to tangle my prop. Hope we get some rain this week... might help a little.

Hope you make it out again.
Hey BLK that one was a real toad and the other one had one big head wow... Nice report... J
I hit Lincoln last week on my kayak. Nothing. Seen a lot of guys fishing, wading around the bend for I guess walleye or whatever.
Those guys that wade out from the orchard are the die-hard wally fishermen. They are always out there early and late in the year. Something about that area that attracts wallys and wally fishers.

I tried to go out today at Lincoln but got blown off by the wind and rain. It was probably just wishful thinking, but I thought the water line on the launch cement was up a bit.

I did notice that whoever is responsible for bringing in the buoys from the mouth of the launch channel managed to drop them in the middle of the launch channel where it will make it more difficult or impossible to launch a boat. Last year they dragged the buoys in to the end of the launch pad where they were a nuisance for boaters to dodge. It was mid-summer before they finally took them out where they could be seen to guide boaters in.

Someone, I have no idea who, hooked on to them at the launch last year and pulled them up on the dike and out of the way. Maybe someone, and again, I have no idea who, will have to wade out and hook a chain on the one in the middle of the launch channel and pull it up and out of the way.

I'm gonna try to launch again on Wed. I'll probably have more to complain about then.

Fish on.
Over years I have noticed to look for those guys if your after eyes, they are only there if there are eyes to catch,