As many of you have read in some of my passed post or have seen on my web page I am starting up a new fishing derby to kick off a new 4-H club here in Michigan.<br><br>I was wandering if anyone would like to here blow-by-blow accountings of my endeavors? <br><br>If I get just one response to this post I will continue with this lead, if not I will drop it. <br><br>This lead can run through June 8th there is a lot of work involved in putting together a fishing derby.<br><br>Since this is a new fishing project any ideas that will make this a more exciting event for the kids will be and are welcome<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
Dave I have a sugestion for the day of the derby. Get your work close out of the ceder chest and give the kids the true you as only you can. If I get the details on date and location I just might try to join you. (in my work close out of my ceder chest). Yes I know it is about 7-10 hour drive but I love doing things for the kids. Get with me and lets see what I can do to help. How does a new computer for a prize sound? You know that is what I do for theropy after my accident. ( I build them)Honk Honk<br><br>OK all of you reading this. Let Dave know what you can do to help make this derby the best the kids could have!<br>Rember it is for the kids and one of the best youth groups in the country for all. (4-H) Head, Hart, Health and Hand. Dave did I get it correct? My mom was in the first 4-H club. I beleve it was in the late 40's in Springfield, Ohio.<br> I urge all anglers to show your suport in any way you can. It is a big task and Dave needs all the help he can get.<br><br>Texas gulf cost fisher.
To any one that can help. I have a computer ready but I need a monitor for it. At least 15" and VGA or SVGA.<br>It will have to be sent or taken to Michigan to Dave.<br><br>Texas gulf cost fisher.