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Full Version: Willard - Saturday
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Yes Albinotrout - I made it out again...[Smile] and being compared to BLK is actually an honor, thanks. Wish I could catch Cats like he does [:/]
anyway, got on the water about 1115, and the weather was absolutely beautiful ! Not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, windy just enough to keep the bug away.

[inline "(239) 24 Oct 15 1113 Launch.jpg"]

But realized I had not filled gas in boat....[:/]...oops. Had gas, but not enough to make the run to the south wall and back, so went west out of the marina. Boy, the trucks working on the dike sure make a lot of noise and dust. Anchored out with in a few yards of where I had been Friday, good call. The bite was not fast and furious, and they were not the 22-24 inch monsters that can tow your boat, but they hit almost as hard and are just as much fun to catch.

Lines out at 1140, mussels on both. 2 boated in the next hour. Decided to move around in the north 40 to some spots that have produced before, nada. There is a reason for the old saying " don't leave fish, to find fish" After a couple hours coming up dry at my other marked spots, went back to the wall. Boated 2 more, and lost 2 or 3 that held on to the mussel all the way to the boat before turning loose.

A good day overall. Now one bit of news most Willard regulars may already know. The cleaning station is closed and bagged for the season.

And a question that may not have an answer:

[inline "(0999) Peddle_boat.jpg"]

I have seen this Peddle boat beached along the east side of Freeway Bay for the last several weeks. Is it possibly one that got away from the Recreation Rental at the north marina? I was tempted a couple times to beach next to it to check it out, but always got distracted by catching fish [laugh]
No problem with comparing you to BLK. You do more damage to fish on Willard than most.[bobhappy]
Ah... thanks. I try not to damage anything much more than a hole in the lip for ones I don't plan to keep and eat (except maybe the carp)
And was going thru my phone this morning and found a couple photos I must have missed yesterday. Looks like I caught a couple more than I thought. And one photo I took looking south along the west wall.

[inline "(063) 24 Oct 2015.jpg"]

Sure was a purrrrty day..............[fishin]