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Full Version: Soldier Creek Saturday
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My son and I hit Soldier Creek Sat. Started with some motor issues, but got that under control and got on the water fairly early. A few small rainbows cooperated on Rapalas on Mono. Nasty cold wind blew almost all day. Did nothing on down rigger, lead core, or anything else we tried. Overall a pretty disappointing trip. Water temps ranged from 49 - 51 degrees.
We had a similar time there on Tuesday of last week. Wind was howling when we got there around 8am. It blew us and our pontoons everywhere except for where we wanted to go. We were headed back into the boat ramp around 11am to leave and we ended up getting into several Cutts just between the ramp and the boat docks. Overall it was not the fall fishing day we had expected.
I hate wind.