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I'm sure every one is think the same thing I am it's close to go start drillin holes and listenin to drags sing and watchin them little sticks fold in half as ur setin hooks and makin people look. I really didn't get to fish much last ice season or fish this summer hell the bigst cat I got this year was only 27 ins and since august been to busy chasin deer elk ducks gees and pheasants but I want to up grade my sled and need a few ideas this place has been pretty good toe I'm the past so I was hopin for some ideas lets see what u guys got and Mabey talk A little about some ice fishin like types of line and flys poles and the fun stuff
As of yesterday no ice on scofield yet. It's wide open. That is from a coworker who has a cabin up there.
This is the upgrade I gave my sled last weekend. I needed more room! I hope this pic comes out right.I am not sure if it's too big or not,as I really don't know how to post pictures.
Ya I'm really hopin to get up Schofield this year I tried last year but I just didn't pan out really hope in to see what them tiger trout look like and fight lile
Yes I like the top rack if u could find a y you slip a few in there and use them as pole holders u like that idea
I passed on the pole holders. I keep my poles in a case. And usually only bring a couple poles,I just dont have the need for multiple poles.
Where did u get the corners
I thinkd he is looking for the PVC fittings in the corner configuration. [cool]
That's very similar to the rack I put on my sled 3 years ago. It has been very helpful, especially when you have 3 growing boys along on most trips. On mine I didn't make a bottom rail, instead I bolted caps onto the sled and slid the legs in. I've put small screws in the joints instead of glueing them so it can be taken off and taken apart to replace broken pipes. I do use a rod holder on the back with two pipes coming down that slide into holes drilled right through the back of the sled, and find it very handy because I can slide it out and store on top of my sled in my tahoe while driving. And in the spring I have a spot it slides right onto the garage wall.
Good idea on the screws, I probably should go back around and do that, it is just pressed together now.
This is what I just built for a bigger sled configuration.
This is the sled I built. And boy does it work great.
Looks cool, how does it do in deeper snow?

I ask because we had one that we pulled into some high mountain lakes that sunk like a rock in water on soft snow.
Mine always sunk in the deep snow too. A good old flat bottom sled seems to work best for me.