11-09-2015, 10:00 AM
Boy oh boy! Were the fish ever bite&#39;n today. The over cast sky and warm temps had the bass on far&#39;. Me and Derek could do no wrong. Frogs, buzz, square bills, flukes and swims all fished in the grass with the bass munch&#39;in. Then we tried worms and jigs on the sides of the grass where it got a little deeper and that worked too. emoThumbsup What a day! Everything we threw at um they were crush&#39;in it.<br /><br />Moved around from place to place, mat to mat, all were good. Working along a pocket in HBSP we came around a corner there and saw a big boat with loud music play&#39;in. There were some of the best look&#39;in gals you could ever ask for pole dancing up on that boat. emoTongue Derek and I eased over near it to fish there. Well, kind of more like, get our eyes full. They were doing all kinds of things to that pole. emoBig
That&#39;s when one of the best looking ones leaned over the boat and asked me to come aboard. She told me they needed to practice their lap dance too, that it was better when they had someone to lap dance on. emoEek I was up, out of my seat and in that thar big boat before I knew what hit me. I think I may have walked on water. I sat down in a seat and two of &#39;um begun to shake and shimmer all over me! I may be gett&#39;in old but I ain&#39;t never had nuth&#39;in like that done to me before. emoDance <br /><br />I was really have&#39;n one heck of a good time when my legs started to get num. Then my chest felt like a really heavy weight had been laid across it and I could not breath. Next thing I know I start to pass out. I hear one of the gals shout, &quot;Oh my Lord, I think he is having a heart attack!&quot; They start up the big boat, call for an ambulance and haul off for HPSP.<br /><br />The guys there put me on a gunny and take off for the hospital. I closed my eyes and hear this guy yell&#39;in at me, &quot;STAY WITH US!&quot;, &quot;OPEN YOUR EYES!&quot; I did not want to but I forced myself to do it. I opened my eyes and right at first was very
. I was looking at a ceiling. I sat up, looked around,....I was sitting on my coach in my den. The whole dam thing was a freaken dream! I had fallen to sleep on my coach after working in my yard. emoCrazy Jmax