Just a heads up... If you have ever wanted to try catching big fish on mice, right now is the time.
Been pounding Strawberry from shore the last couple weeks and catching some pigs.
It's not super fast fishing but hooking up with five to eight fish over 20 inches on mice is a kick. My best this weekend that was brought to hand was bout 24 inches. Had one on that would have gone at least three more but he had other plans.
Get up there before that hard crap takes hold.
Thanks for the heads up. I may have to go give that a try.
Definitely do. It is a blast.
Here is a great video and it gives instruction on tying the same mouse I have been using as well. I have had most success so far on the same black one he is throwing, but I am going to try some in purple this weekend.
Glad to hear your linking up with some mammal eaters!
New to fly fishing and the BFT. I'm wondering if this would work on the Provo?
Looks like a good pattern. I will definitely tie some up. Thanks for the link.
You bet. Best one's have been with about a three inch tail.
Hoping that ice doesn't take over the Berry now, and lock it down until spring.
Was up there on Saturday and hooked up with quite a few on that mouse. Only landed two though as I always bend down the barb.
Funny thing though is that twice I had a fish take the mouse three different times after I pulled it repeatedly out of it's mouth. Would cast it back out near by and that fish was searching for that mouse that got away and came right back and attacked it.
mouse fishing gives me that tingly feeling.. like when I used to climb the rope in gym class!
Man, we need to get you a GoPro, cause I want to see the videos of this!
Always wanted to do a little mousing, but have only done it once and with limited success.
That's actually a pretty good description, Kochanut. It is an experience like no other when fly fishing for trout.
Every time they attack that fly it's a hell of a rush.
Agreed on the gopro. I need to invest in one. A lot of the takes are not real intense, though those fish lose it when that mouse bites them back. But then some of the takes are insane. Just watching that mouse leave it's wake behind when a head comes out of the deep and engulfs it.
Hoping the ice doesn't lock the berry down this week. I need one more trip.
It's with heavy heart that I report that it appears the mousing at the berry is over for the year.
Spent several hours today fighting ice and got two half hearted follows by fish that were just not interested.
Can't wait till ice off.
Are boats still fishing at Strawberry
There was only one that I saw on Saturday, though I wasn't around the main areas very long. I also saw one guy in a pontoon boat.
Most of the people I saw there were bank fishing.
Thanks, I was hoping for at least one more trip up there with the pontoon before ice.
I would think you will be fine. With the relatively warm and windy days the last couple, I am doubting the cold snap coming tomorrow will be able to do much more than put some ice around the edges.
Shouldn't be lone though before it locks up.
[quote RiverHag]I would think you will be fine. With the relatively warm and windy days the last couple, I am doubting the cold snap coming tomorrow will be able to do much more than put some ice around the edges.
Shouldn't be lone though before it locks up.[/quote]
Thanks, Normally we fish Byrant's fork, but the last two times we fished Renegade, it was at least or more crowded then Byrant's . The first time was a week day, and it was more crowded then a week ago Sunday. We thought the weekend would be a bit more crowded. Anyway we will save the driving time ,and stick to Byrants . Hopefully after thanksgiving we give a shot
When is the best time of day or night to mouse?
Had success all day long. Some times it really turned on for the hour or so as the sun was fading into dusk. Heard of lots of people doing really well through the night, especially on a full moon, when the bruisers come out of hiding and are hungry.
I think fish are opportunistic enough that when they see a big meal like that, they will typically at least inspect it and if it is looking legit, eat it.
When mousing how fast should you strip the line?
I have seen a lot of different strips being done, but for me, when I watch video of a mouse swimming, they are steady and slow. I have had the best luck with long, slow pulls. Just make sure it is leaving a wake as I think that does a lot to attract the fish.
In rivers, you can let them swing through the current and down and then strip them when they have finished the swing toward the bank.