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Well I got to do a little fishing today. Hit Hyrum about 8:15 launch, but couldn't get my trolling motor started. Crazy cold blooded piece of foreign technology. So I tried drift fishing and casting but it wasn't going so well so I decided I'd troll with my big motor, only problem is it goes like a scalded cat and I can't keep it down where I need to troll. So the red neck in me came out again. I put the boat in reverse and trolled backwards. Speed was about 1.9 to 2.1 mph so it was great, but it was terrible to steer. But the fish didn't mind. Those trout were hungry and I had fish on both poles at the same time multiple times. I caught a dozen or so and noticed a gentleman on the bank not catching much so I went over and invited him to go for a ride. He must not have noticed I was dumb enough to troll backwards because he joined me and we took a lap and nailed a dozen or so more fish and they were good fish today, most were 14" to 16"ers and nice fat fish. Beautiful orange meat it was a fun day other than breaking the tip off my favorite pole and a trolling motor that wouldn't work. But the trout were sure fun. I was trolling lead core line 60' out using my koke gear. Both colors I had out worked equally well. Later J
Yeah I'd say you're a redneck. Way to find a way to keep the trip alive. Would have been a hoot to see you trolling backwards.
Luckily there weren't any other boats and only a couple bank tanglers to tell the tale of the dweeb on Hyrum trolling backwards. Fun even if it was funny looking. Later J
Back-trolling used to be a very common tactic up in walleyeland. Some boats were even equipped with tall plexiglass splash shields to keep waves from slopping over the transom.

Today's more powerful trolling motors pretty much ended the need for backtrolling.

When they work! LOL!
Awesome save!

Thanks too for the fine example of sharing and helping others out.
Alright so it was a back to the future type trip. Guess I need a heater in my boat so that motor will run this time of year. It don't like cold, the crazy design doesn't have a choke and I'm not sure if that's why I can't get it to run long enough to warm up or what but I sure like it in regular temperatures. Anyway thanks for helping me out there. Later J
Thanks Cindy, My usual fishing buddy couldn't make it and when you're just catching bows it's more fun to have someone with you, plus they were biting too fast to keep up to them alone, so it was nice to have the company and a little help... thanks again... J
No browns? Are they only caught in the spring there?
As for the trolling motor a windex bottle full of gas can be used as a starting aid. Just don't get it on your hands.
My trolling motor don't have a chock either, I pull the cowl off, put my thumb over the intake until it warms abit the I'm good to go when its cold, cant figure why they wouldn't have put chokes on them to.
No Browns. I didn't fish for them this trip. Two years ago exactly we nailed 47 Browns on Veterans Day. But they weren't in close this year like they were that year. I guess I did try them but after a half hour and no hits I went after bows. I'll have to try your tip if I can do it without flooding it. Is the windex safe for gas so the bottle won't melt? Thanks for the great tip. J
Hey I do the same thing except I use someone else's thumb so I can pull the rope. This time I was alone and couldn't do both. Is your motor a Yamaha like mine? Guess I need to take company this time of year. Thanks for the tip. J
I just use a generic squirt bottle I got at Walmart. Squirt a little in the carb and pull the cord. My motor is a '65 9.5 johnson.
Ok that's great to know thank you I'll give it a try. J
Yup, Yamaha 9.9 but I have electric start, that's the only way I can get mine to run to warm up, been thinking on how to install a choke, the linkage is where I am have trouble figuring out, haven't done to much research. its one of those things that only bother you one in a while.
Hey that's exactly the same motor as I have except for the electric start... Think I'll check the carb and make sure I don't have a snog and then give it another try with someone to put a thumb on the carb as a choke and maybe squirt some gas in the carb like was suggested.... So hopefully next trip I'll be trolling forward... Later J