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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, 11/14/15, Martin from VA
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Martin came down for his annual guide trip on the Chick and he could not have hit it any better. We put 133 bass in the boat in three days. emoEek He said it was the best three days he has ever had fishing in one weekend. We started shallow on the frog and that was just not working. Changed over to mostly traps and blades, that did the trick. They appeared to be running in small schools chasing shad on flats and points where there was still scatter grass. Numbers and catching was not a problem. Size was lacking some but the numbers made up for it. Our best bass were in the four and three pound categories, just a few. I had one jump off that was a really big one I thought was another striper until it jumped. Looked to be about eight pounds but when she jumped she threw my trap back at me. I bet we lost another fifty. Had a lot of one and two pounders. Mainly stayed on the main river and off in the pockets off the main river. Had a blast catching. Thumbs look torn up, lol. emoThumbsup The bass we targeted were chasing in mostly four to about six foot. Often you would just see a boil. Cast at it, catch three or four and then they were gone, repeat. I have not had numbers like that this year. Sure can't complain about that. emoTongue Jmax<br /><br />Here are a few pictures we took, like I said no real big ones.