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If you want a couple of BFT stickers for your gear please send me a PM with your shipping address and I will send some to you.
Hey Kevin,

Could I get a couple? I think I am down to only having 30 or 40 of them.[Wink]
Thank you albinotrout for offering stickers, I would like some.
I would like some. Sent you a PM with my address.

Hey I would like some if you have anymore. Sent pm thank you.
Hello.... love to have a couple for my truck back window and boat...
Send me a PM with your shipping address.
For those that have requested the stickers, they are now in the mail and you should receive them in a couple days. I did have one problem with one request and have sent that member a PM. Once resolved it will be in the mail as well.
do these cost any money?
Nope, these were given to us mods by the old
Owners to hand out.
got mine today Thank you very much albinotrout
Thanks for the sticker. Question how come I can only see half of the posts put up by out her members. Fish on dan
How long have you been having this problem? Sometimes it's the browser you are using but have you ever had this problem on other sites?
I'll try it on my lap top and see thanks wiper hunter..