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Full Version: 10 whities, 1 8lb mac, 2 cutts and a partridge in a pear tree
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Snow turned to rain and wind last night. Warm this a.m. (40 degrees). Unfortunately the wind monster was out compared to the previous 2 days. West wind with 2 foot rollers at 8 am on east side. For me, very difficult to keep in contact with Tube Dudes hardware. I think I was lucky to catch 10 whities. Bonus was an 8 lbish mac. Great fight. Got pics and released. Swam strongly away. 2 cutts on cisco pieces still fished while I jigged. Kept 4 whities today for fish tacos. I do not believe I caught any females again today.

[#0000FF]Okay you big tease. I saw the pics of the fish but not the partridge. What color did you catch it on?

Glad your stay up there has been productive and that the weather has treated you fairly well...for this time of year. Too bad your son couldn't make it for this whitie season.

Working on a new batch of trinkets for you to look at.
I hate wind! Good job on the catchin'.[cool]
Thanks Pat. Partridge was on pale perch! Looking forward to replenishing my box. Big blue has eaten a fair amount of my hardware this week
Thanks A.T. Tomorrow is last day for me for a few days. Hopefully the pre storm front will turn them on even more. As long as the wind stays away.
Stay safe, looking forward to the report.
Pat, meant to tell you, I bought a new electric fillet knife. Man that is slick, what the heck have I been doing without one of those. Of the 4 I kept, 3 were males (including the largest). Their milt was still in sacs. I did get one female ( I thought was a male). She had eggs, still immature. Fish tacos tomorrow!
[#0000FF]Glad to hear you joined the modern (whitefish) age and got an electric knife. As a lot of whitie newbies quickly discover those rib bones are a bit tougher than their trout cousins. A good sharp heavy bladed regular fillet knife will get the job done, but it is SOOOOO much easier and less stressful with the electric. You get more efficient fillets too.

Gimme a shout when you get back in town. Got some prototype freebies for you to try. Of course, once you are "hooked" on them the price will be adjusted to fit the desire/need. Think I'd make a good drug dealer?

Based on my own observations and the input from several other whitefish anglers this past week I tend to believe that the "run" is only starting. As you observed, there are fewer females than males and the milt and eggs are still not fully developed and ready to "deliver". We might see whitefish showing up through Christmas. Ho ho ho. Now if Mama Nature just plays nice for a few of those days....
As soon as you said "freebies" the drug dealer thought crossed my consciousness!! A couple of the samplers you gave me have been working quite nicely.
Any secrets to taking care of the electric? If I recall you have a bag or satchel that you keep yours in? Secrets in cleaning those double blades?
[quote GSP]Any secrets to taking care of the electric? If I recall you have a bag or satchel that you keep yours in? Secrets in cleaning those double blades?[/quote]

Yeah don't cut yourself.[Tongue]
Yes, that was one of the first things that crossed my mind. Reattaching digits not a good idea.
You will need to teach me how to catch the Whities
and find a day I can get my boat in the water and with no wind
That was not a lot of fun at FG Monday, with the wind.
looks like you are getting more posts.
[quote GSP]Any secrets to taking care of the electric? If I recall you have a bag or satchel that you keep yours in? Secrets in cleaning those double blades?[/quote]

[#0000FF]First, don't fillet fish while sitting in your bathtub full of water...with an electric or a regular fillet knife. Besides the potential for personal injury you risk becoming instant angler chowder if you drop the electric device in the water with you. Duh.

Before you do anything to clean up the knife, after filleting, unplug it from the electricity. Accidentally pushing the start button while holding the blades to remove them can cause a sudden weight loss. Next, remove the blades before the gunk on them has a chance to turn into fishcrete. Rinse them under cool running water...using a small brush if needed to clean off the residue. If you simply must use your fingers to clean the blades, keep bandaids handy. Dry the cleaned blades with paper towels and allow to dry.

If you do not have a special case in which to keep the blades, the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels will serve to protect both you and the blades between uses. I wrap mine in a couple of dry paper towels to provide a solid fit inside the tube...and maybe duct tape one end. A light coating of vegetable oil keeps the blades ready for action.

I have a couple of small plasticized surface bags that hold my electric and several regular knives of different shapes and sizes. It also holds a partial roll of paper towels, a roll of large plastic bags, a measuring tape and some digital scales. I carry this bag around in a plastic container big enough to hold it all. When filleting, I take the bag out of the plastic container and fill it with water to rinse the fillets as I remove them from the fish.

Most serrated electric knife blades will process a lot of fish before needing any kinds of sharpening. If you do need to sharpen them, a few strokes in the grooves of the blade will restore sharpness to the points. They are what does the cutting.
Thanks Pat I needed some of those pointers as well. J
Robert: Anytime, just let me know. Today would have been a good boat day. Some wind, but not terrible. Saw 5 boats out today.
Thanks for tips Pat. I guessed right on cleaning the blades. I will try the paper towel tube. No filleting today. All returned to fight another day. See new post.