01-03-2016, 02:58 AM
So for us, Lost Creek was a lost cause. We got on the ice at about 8:30. Temp was -4 degrees warm. punched some holes and started fishing. Did not mark any fish on the fish finder at all. We were about 50 yards off from the damn. We did not move because we have had days like that at lost creek. We would not mark a thing and then the fish would swim through our area and we would start to get bites. The entire day was that way for us. We ended up icing three fish, 2 small bows caught on green glowing tubes tipped with power bait and one nice cut caught on a silver spoon. We fished until 4pm and then bailed. Not sure if anyone else had success but it was not our day. The kids did enjoy sledding down the hill though.