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Okay everybody... this is not something that I would normally do but I figure I've gotten more than enough from this website, I might as well give something in return. So, I'm going to actually give one lucky person a free BASS Membership for a year.

You heard me right... I'll pay for one year.

Rules are simple:

You can't currently be a member of BASS

Here's what you need to do:

Send me a private message with your BFT username so I can put your name in a hat for the drawing.

Drawing will be held on February 8th.

Good luck!

P.S. Fish stories about the "one that got away" are more than welcome in here.

Hi there DrownedDeserRat,

Good guy... Nice!

Yeah, sometimes I just can't help myself.

Hey DDR, That would make a nice B Day present. I'm just around the corner from that date. Thanks buddy.
fishing stories about the one that got away are more then welcome on the fishing board also fell free to drop in for a visit
[size 2]No trying to sway the judge there buddy[Tongue][laugh][laugh][laugh][/size]
Haha you can never have too much free stuff. I've got a story.

A few years ago, back before the drought and Utah Lake was full to the brim, my dad and I took his canoe out to Provo Bay (Mud Lake) south of the Provo Airport dike. We canoed around in the morning (in April I believe) and went back into a corner where there were lots of trees in the water. We cast worms and bobbers into the pockets in the trees. The water was about 3 1/2 feet deep there. About 5 seconds after my bobber hit the water, it suddenly dove towards the bottom. Unfortunately, I had two poles out at the same time, (2-pole permit)and after I set the hook the fish took a dive into not only my other line that was out, but also some submerged vegetation. As I struggled to get my second pole reeled in and out of the way, my dad got a hard hit on his pole. So we have total chaos going on as we try to bring in these two big fish. My dad lost his moments after it was hooked -- it threw the hook. We never saw and and to this day we don't know what kind of fish it was. Mine, however, I was able to pull up out of the sticks (super strong fireline) enough to see only it's head. It was a HUGE bucketmouth! It was still tangled in my other line, and kept taking line back out. Suddenly, the line went sickeningly slack. It was over. It was gone just like that. I couldn't believe it. I was so mad! My dad yelled at me and told me that if I wouldn't have been messing around trying to use 2 poles, I would've had him. Maybe he was right. Now I'll never know. I think that the fish he had was probably another lunker bass. It was spawning season and they were in a great area for making a spawning bed. That area was actually farmed this last summer. A farmer went out there and plowed it and grew corn there. That's how low the water is.
Are you trying to "lure" me into most likely choosing you? [Tongue]

It ain't gonna work! This is gonna be a random drawing. But if I forget to say it later.... Happy B-day early!
6 sign-ups in 24 hrs. Not bad! I guess this will also show how many people actually pay attention to the boards.

cat_man, I would have loved to see you trying to fish with two poles at once! I couldn't help but laugh. Sorry, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.

No not at the time, but we sure laugh about it now! Last couple years I've gone without the second pole permit. My little bro gets one, but my 1 pole usually outfishes his 2 poles when we're catfishing anyway! [cool]

BTW - if B-days count then I should win since mine's on Sunday! [Wink]
Maybe you have a little more teaching to do there bro. I guess that will come once he gets into his new donut.
Hey , YOU DA' MAN !

I'm not entering , but i just wanted to say thank you . it says a lot about the type of people that become members here , and then go that extra mile .

I am very proud of you , not just because of your generous gift to one luckey guy or gal , but for all of your contributions all over the boards since day one .

you are a true "BIG FISH GUY " in my book . i'm real darn proud to know you !!!!!!
LOL. Like I said, it's going to be a random drawing. Everybody has a fair chance. I should give it to Lonehunter since he gave me a bunch of free stuff. It'd be a fair trade. But since he doesn't want to be entered, I'll just hafta draw names from the e-hat to see who wins.
Thanks Lonehunter. You're gonna make me [blush].

It's because of people like you moderators and all the wisdom shared that I'm encouraged to be generous at times when I've got a few extra dollars.

Of course, you realize this is a real hard thing for me to do. It's taking away from my spending money on more fishing gear. [crazy] I'll survive though. [cool]
[cool] that's a true sportsmans attitude [cool] .
Only one week left until the drawing. Only 6 names in the hat right now. Get your name in before it's too late!
Hey DDR, If you need more, then I wouldn't be one bit dissappointed if you put my name in 2 or 3 more times. hee hee.
LOL. Nice try tubeN2.

Just to let y'all know, these are the guys that publish Bassmaster magazine.
Congratulations to cat_man! He's the winner of the 1-year membership to B.A.S.S.
awww like always im a day late and a dollar short but thanks anyway

congrats catman