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Full Version: Coconut Chicken Fried Bass! Fillet
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sorry no pictures [Sad]

anyway, the fillet was smothered in a simple but thick batter then layed over and aluminum sheet of spread coconut shavings. Then flipped over to another coconut spread to completely cover both sides in a thick layer of coconut shaving and straight to the fryer! First side came out with a little burn mark in center but the other side came out golden brown[Wink]
Thanks for sharing that with us. I love the touch of the fresh coconut.

Was that a pancake or bisquick batter that you used?

I noticed you were using a light oil. Perhaps vegetable or canola. It works. Have you every tried Peanut oil? It cooks at a slightly higher temp and helps create a uniform crust.

Bon Apetit bro. Nice share. [cool]
It was much too simple batter just flour and eggs, thanks for the tips! I might of added milk,this was old footage don't rememberr but it was good!
Oh I gotta try this! Sounds amazing.