01-10-2016, 10:00 AM
I have decided to give up fishing this year. No more for me. But, I will be back out there next year and trying to put a hurting on the fish population. emoBig
<br /><br />Hippy Dave helped me ring out the old year with another good day of crappie fishing. He did have to catch a couple of my pet drum too. And a trashy green fish. All those were thrown back. We kept 19 out of 22 keepers. 3 of the keepers were just barely touching the 10&quot; mark, so we tossed them back to grow a little bit. Hippy had the big fish at 13.5 inches. I had the most. emoBig
But Hippy ended the day with about 7 in a row before he did not get a bite. I was watching and encouraging him along and waiting for him to miss a fish so that we could quit for the morning. I have a boat rule that if you catch a fish, you have to make one more cast without a fish before you can leave. He caught about 6 or 7 in a row while I watched. emoUp
<br /><br />Hippy took the fish home and put them on ice. He was out of crappie and I have plenty of fish in the freezer so I was happy that he took them. Most of our fish came on panfish assassins in various colors. Bite was better when an orange jig head was used. Water temps were 58.1 degrees and water was stained. TVA running about 115,000 CFS and the lake level is down to 679&#43; so it made dock shooting pretty easy if we could get in a protected area. The wind was fierce and from the north direction, so some of the docks that I wanted to fish were unfishable. We fished a bluff for a while before ending up on a community dock with several slips. emoGeezer <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Hippy. I see a few more days in our future.