I'm headed up to Pineview on Friday and came here looking for reports. I have seen some people are doing pretty good and others not so good. Where are you guys that had good luck fishing and using and where should I stay away from. Any help would be appreciated. You can PM me if you want. Thanks in advance
I am not sure it is all location. To answer your question, I fished north of cemetary point in 40-42 FOW. The bite was hot for 15 min then they shut down. Talked to groups scattered all over and nobody was getting them so maybe just the day, or the moon phase or how I was holding my mouth or any other excuse I can use.
The abrupt change in weather from the weekend storms to soaring barometer and blue skies on Monday probably had more to do with the fishing shutdown than anything else.
Now that the barometer is dropping again, things may turn around - especially if it gets cloudy.
Agreed. The really cold, high pressure days seem to not be so good. If there is some overcast, and above zero nightime temps, and maybe a soft spit of snow, I've been catching em.
The rest is for the thread starter.....
First, there is a huge area out on both sides of Cametary out to Browning point where the depth is approximately right. I mean drill one hole, move 200 yards and drill another and they are about the same depth. So, you have to move around until you land on fish.
If you are ON em, my experience this year and last has been that you will get a nibble on the first drop, or within a couple minutes. Like, drop it to the bottom, raise it a foot, get a bite in 10 seconds. If not, mess with the depth, try two cranks up, etc.. rop to the bottom again and make sure you are where you want to be, ....tap tap within minutes. If not, you probably aren't on fish.
HOWEVER....... sometimes the bite goes dead for a couple hours. We got there at 3 PM last time and all kinds of people were leaving and told us it had been good all morning and just shut of two hours before. We set up and dink around and find NOTHING for 3 stops and 8-10 holes. Then I move to an old hole at about 5 pm, and BAM, pull out a dozen in an hour, and that hole keeps producing slow and steady until way after dark.
I'd go very early morning or late afternoon.
Light, light bites. If you are not surer if it's the wind, you should probably set the hook. Also, I get better hook ups on moon jigs, teardrops, ice demon types, etc,over perch fry or ratfinkie types, I think because of the hook configuration more than the lure appeal. Crappies have big, rough mouths and seem to not hook well for me with super small hooks or lures where the eye kinda blocks the gap.
We found them towards evening in 40 FOW and limited out before we knew what was happening.