Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 1/06/2016, Alone
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I had the boat in the shop for routine fall maintenance, so I just had to try it out this afternoon for a short time. New water pump, oil change, etc. and I wanted some fresh crappie for dinner. Good job by Glenn Gamble of Outboat Doc for the quick reliable service. <br /><br />On the fishing side of things, I stopped at a bluff to check it out just about the time that a big cruiser went by wide open and throwing a 2 foot wave. After it hit the shoreline, it churned up so much mud, that I just left that place without hardly a cast. Then on to a dropoff that had a big stump and crappie on it. I caught 5 keepers and a few shorts on it before they wised up and then I turned to docks. Didn't catch any on the 4 docks that I tried, but just as I was moving off one dock, I noticed a big school of crappie on the outside of the dock and managed two very fat 12.5" keepers. Chickamauga crappie are eating well, I can tell you that. <br /><br />I kept 6 for dinner came in about mid afternoon. I only fished panfish assassins in the 1/32 and 1/24 oz sizes. I threw three different colors: black/chartreuse, spring minnow, and bluegrass. I caught at least one fish on each color. Also, a tiny golden shiner tried to gobble my jig up. What was he thinking? Grin. emoBigSmile emoGeezer