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Full Version: Great day on Strawberry
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We have had a couple decent outings on Soldier creek so far this year. Recently I was able to get tracks put on a 4 seat rzr and it opened the door to get to away from the crowd even with this deep snow. We started off kinda slow but we eventually found the depth the fish were at. Once the bite was on it was ON. There were multiple times that we all had fish on and getting bites on another pole we couldn't do anything about. We caught a couple slot busters and I had what would have been my biggest rainbow ever out of that lake half way out of the hole and the hook pulled. Everyone in the tent was sick about that one but none more so than me. It almost ruined the day, almost. We fished from first light clear til almost dark then made the hour long trek back to the marina. A storm rolled in and made getting back interesting. We ended the day with 62 total fish landed and only 2 under 18". We hooked and lost at least as many fish. We have few pictures because there never seemsed to be a free hand to take a photo. Small salt and pepper tube worked well for a friend and I did the best with a 1/16 oz green jig head on a small gizzy bug and small cutter bug in white. It was truly one of those days you can't wait to tell your friends about that weren't able to come. Now I begin another semester of grad school and my fishing adventures are over until Presidents' Day.
Great post !!! Sounds like a great day at the Berry.[cool]
If you don't mind telling, at what depth did you find the fish?
Sorry I meant t mention that. Most fish were about 8-12' below the ice. Toward the me of the day they have moved to abou 18'. I don't know exact depth because I don't have a finder and we fish blind but based on the length of line we let out I would say those are fairly close depths. Bottom was probably 25'