I hear the ice is going fast at Willard. Do you know anyone who has had their boat out, and if so how did they do? I am anxious to get after those wipers again -- any updates are appreciated.<br><br>Kent<br><br>
I drive past willard every day to and from work. The ice is coming off but I have not heard or seen any boats out there. I think it will be two weeks before I put my boat on and try for some cold water wipers. I will keep you updated on my success. Hopefully everyone else will as well.<br><br>
Kent, I drove past willard today (suday) and there was a guy who had put a boat out from the north marina. There is a strip of open water from the north dike down past the marina. Its not a very wide strip but its fairly long. Not enough for my liking and its all pretty shallow right in there. There were several other cars in the area but I dont know how they did. <br><br>