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Full Version: Smallmouth Bass
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Eye opener.
Interesting.... I was never much for eating any kind of bass, only when my kids want too keep them, there are way tastier fish out there....
I always put my toys back after playing with them.

Bass are toys. Trout are food. [cool]

Interesting. . My sister caught this tagged 22" rainbow from Cascade over new years and the results from the tagging number showed it was stocked in fall 2013 as an 11". So in a little over 2 years it doubled in size.. seems like a fast growth rate!
Troutskis grow very fast, that's one reason they raise them commercially.
No money in bass farming in Idaho. 😀
The trout are sterile triploids, 3 sets of chromosomes and all sterile females . They devote all energy to feeding and growth and are stocked to be kept.