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Can anyone share an update for the edges at Rockport? 2 weeks ago a board would have been nice but it was manageable. Saw a few people eat ice while making the leap Smile
Been there twice and had no problems with the shore line ice, I am 200 and had about 60 pounds of gear strapped to me and walked across it fine. That was last Sunday.
I didn't have any problems yesterday on the west side of the lake.
Many thanks - and sorry for the similar thread to the other rockport - I hadn't check all the threads yet this morning when i posted.
It just depends where your trying to get on, last Sunday on the very south end a plank would have been nice. If they look sketchy they probably are, find a spot that still has snow and cross there.
I just went down to the lake on the middle bathroom west side of the lake entry point and the edges are fine. I was on my snowmobile and I didn't hear any crack or sploosh noises. Went at it two or three times and even ride the edge for a little. Edges seen fine.