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I just found out I may get a chance to help take a disabled fisherman to Matt Warner for an ice fishing trip. I have never fished there but have always wanted to. I was told it is snowmobile access only so I'm looking for some help and advice on how to get there, how far it is by snowmobile, access points for parking and fishing, and any other good advice people are willing to share. PM if you wish and I will not spread anyone's super secrets.

Big thanks in advance.
Sorry I don't know much about MW but I think it's great what you're doing and I hope all goes well. Hopefully by getting this back on top someone that knows the info will see it. Good luck. J
The road has a bad habit of drifting in but quite often people break through with 4x4's. If it is drifted in you can access it two ways.

Hwy 191 from Vernal to the Diamond Mtn Rd which is 24 miles from Vernal center. You can park there and take sleds from there. Take the dirt road for 8.6 miles until you come to a main junction going north (Note: there is one minor junction at the 7 mile mark you want to ignore). Travel north for 4.1 miles to the turn off to the lake which is to the east about .75 miles.

The other way is to take 500 N in Vernal and travel up that road for 23 miles (from Vernal center) until you come to a cattle counting pen. You can unload sleds there.Travel north from the counting pens 4.9 miles to the next junction going north. Turn north and travel 4.1 mile to the turn for the lake.

There have been signs posted along the roads pretty well but we all know how many idiots there are who love destroying signs etc. Check it out on Google Earth and you should be able to see what I mean. I do not know what the travel conditions are beyond the pavement so you're on your own from there. Good luck.
Yes the roads in the area are nothing but Snow drifts and the occasional bare stretch of dirt depending how much snow has fallen in the area. Be sure and prepare for at least a 45 mins ride once you are on your sleds. Good luck!
plus one.
Any recent road access updates? How far can I get up the roads before I need to jump on snowmobiles?

Is it better to take 191 north until the turnoff or Diamond Mountain Road northwest to the cattle pen?